The Last Country to Lift Negative Interest Rates

The Last Country to Lift Negative Interest Rates
In the Brazil of the early 1990s where I grew up, every household would rush to the supermarket to buy a month's worth of groceries as soon as they received their monthly paycheck. This was due to the hyperinflation that Brazil was experiencing at the time, where even a day's difference could mean not being able to buy the same amount of groceries due to rapid price increases.
In contrast, during most of my adult life spent in Japan, I lived in a situation where prices hardly changed over decades. Not only was the inflation rate low, but the economy was also facing the risk of deflation.
Deflation is a situation where demand is sluggish, and consumers and businesses do not buy goods. As a result, goods have to be sold at lower prices.
In 2016, the Bank of Japan introduced negative interest rates as a main measure to combat deflation. The purpose of negative interest rates is to encourage more aggressive lending by banks and prevent price declines by encouraging people to consume more.
And in 2024, the decision was made to lift negative interest rates.
Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland are also countries that have implemented negative interest rate policies. Sweden lifted its negative interest rates in 2019, and Denmark and Switzerland did so in 2022, but Japan remained the last country in the world to maintain a negative interest rate policy until 2024.
Whether this policy will improve the economy in the future or not remains to be seen. I believe what we can do is to work hard individually, earn money, consume with that money, and keep the economy moving.
僕が育った 90 年代初頭のブラジルでは、どの家庭でも毎月の給料が入ると、すぐにスーパーマーケットへ行き、一ヶ月分の食料品を購入していました。これは、ブラジルがハイパーインフレに見舞われていたためで、たった一日違いでも、物価の急激な上昇により同じ量の食料品が買えなくなる可能性があったからです。
2016 年、日本銀行はデフレ対策の主な手段としてマイナス金利を導入しました。マイナス金利は、銀行によるより積極的な貸出を促し、人々がより多く消費することで価格の下落を防ぐことを目的としています。
そして 2024 年、マイナス金利の解除が決定されました。
スウェーデン、デンマーク、スイスもマイナス金利政策を実施した国々です。スウェーデンは 2019 年に、デンマークとスイスは 2022 年にそれぞれマイナス金利を解除しましたが、日本は 2024 年まで世界でマイナス金利政策を維持している最後の国でした。